
Oct/Nov Update

Discus. Genus Symphysodon. Found in Brazil and Peru. Four main strains with a bunch more created by breeders. A pair just laid eggs about a week ago, followed by the parents eating them when they didn't hatch. Beautiful fish with lots of color variations.

Our eldest and her two kids stayed with us for short time while all their belongings were being trucked across the Continent to dad's new job on the Eastern Coast. They moved into a home with a HUGE back yard that doesn't seem to end. It's so big, you could almost launch model rockets and not bother the neighbors. Well, sorta.

Our oldest granddaughter hit the ripe age of five. Becky was there to help celebrate the event.

Our youngest granddaughter celebrated one year of being the youngest. She wasn't too sure about the taste of sugar; this was her first experience with this basic food group. We all figure she'll get used to it - it's not really an acquired taste!



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