
August Update

Ok, now last night was really strange. T'was a cool December evening when I got home to the smell of smoky butter mixed with something slightly familiar. I stepped into the kitchen and my bride was just pulling two lobster tails out of the oven! Wahoo! Amidst the ringing of our telephones, we tried to eat in peace. The third call could not be ignored and we hurried through our awesome dinner. Back into the truck and we drove south 40 minutes to take some pics and video of a nearly completed aircraft fuselage of the same model Becky is about to start welding. We came up with some questions over the weekend and seeing the real thing would give us the answers. Back home and finally able to relax, we put on one of our favorite Christmas shows, Die Hard. Lots of good Christmas music and decor throughout the film.

About 11:15, we shut down the entertainment and attempted to go to bed. First, the dogs had to be let out for one final time. As soon as they were out the back door, they went berserk. An Opossum was in the yard! Well, Opossums and Raccoons don't do well with Chickens. At least, the Chickens don't think so. After about 20 minutes, the situation had been neutralized and we were able to get a good nights rest. Sheesh.

Now about the pics, which have nothing to do with Christmas. Becky's Mom's side of the family held their annual reunion at our place. We had a wonderful time getting caught up on who's doing what. The weather was fantastic and the yard looked great with nary an Opossum to be found.

Also in August, Becky helped coordinate the wedding of a couple really cool people we know. The event was held at our little airport. Coordination involves things like having someone ride their bike up and down the runway with an aviation radio in hand and talking to pilots of incoming aircraft instructing them to go somewhere else for an hour or so! It involves setting up yellow jacket traps everywhere, trying to create a safe environment. Yes, Becky got bit by one of the little buggers.

A wedding platform thingy was built by the impending groom across the runway where the back drop was perfect - a nursery with lots of trees and Mt. Hood off in the background. Just before the wedding, the owner pulled out all the trees. Now, the backdrop was dirt. Lots of brown dirt. It sure didn't stop them from getting married!

The reception was held back on the hangar side of the runway. At about 10:30pm, a helicopter landed to pick up the newly married couple and whisk them away! Very exciting way to see them off.

No pics of the wedding or the couple. Just the planes I was offered the opportunity to decorate. Lot's of little white lights. They looked great at night! I would've liked to have seen them from the helicopter.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger rae ann said...

i'm *loving* these updates! it's fun to read how you recap your summer! the planes look beautiful, by the way. you should have never done that though because now mom's going to suck you onto her decorating team.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger hangar52 said...

Gulp. I've been on the team a very long time... before I ever even knew it. Sigh...

At 6:10 AM, Blogger rae ann said...

such is the life of any family member that lives under the same roof. you now have skills that you never knew you had!


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